Art World Celebrity
The following links show some of my projects about the art economy and relations between museums, markets and power.

These first set of pictures are from my installation at Hypolite, Helsinki, MASS MoCA, North Adams, Mulherin+Polland, New York and MKG127 in Toronto. The carvings on the logs are names of artworld celebrities both known and unknown to me. The names are derived from lists of important art world luminaries published in art magazines. The logs come with custom canvas bags, pictured hanging on the wall.

The second element is the photograph pictured below called ‘The Meeting of the Board”. It is produced after a passage in “The Films” by William Burroughs, Brion Gysin and Iam Somerville (circa 1957). My version is a picture of my friends discussing my artworld celebrity logs.

The third element is a set of work embroidered artworld celebrity work gloves and a testing machine.

The project now includes electronic billboards presented in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. These billboards presented on billboards were sponsored by MOCA Toronto.
They Read: Jeff Wall Watch Over Us; Vasif Kortun Protegez Nous; Beatrix Ruf Pray for Us; Hou Hanru Hear Us. The Enormous billboards were presented on freeways throughout the three cities. The texts are in English, French, Punjabi, Chinese and Portuguese.