Bill Burns
The Donkey & The Goats (2018 – 2024
The Great Donkey Walk (2018/2021)
The Great Chorus (2016)
The Great Goat Milking (2016)
Drawings (2020 – 2024)
Large Drawings (2022-2024)
A Chant for the Bees (2023)
Okwui Enwezor Guide Us (2016)
Bibliography at MKG127 (2023)
Respons-ability at SOMOS Berlin (2022)
The Great Trade (2018 – 2024)
Milk & Honey & Farm Animals (2016 – 2023)
Water Event (2019)
Art World Celebrity (2016)
Dogs & Boats & Airplanes (2009)
Bird Radio KW Berlin (2007)
A Chant for the Power 100 (2018)
Safety Gear for Small Animals (1994-2024)
The Book of the Great Exchange (2023)
Hans Ulrich Obrist Hear Us (2016)
Amazing Curators & Museums of this World (2016)
Dogs & Boats & Airplanes (Ivan the Terrible version) (2009)
Three Books About Animals and War (2008)
Dogs & Boats & Airplanes Post Card Set (2008)
Safety Gear for Small Animals Book (2004)
How to Help Animals Escape… (1998)
When Pain Strikes (1996)
Analgesia (1994)
Tea Towels
Famous Curators and Museum Directors Bobblehead Dolls
Dogs & Boats & Airplanes Record
Ikea Playlist Edition
Boiler Suit Kit
Ivan the Terrible in the form of Dogs and Boats and Airplanes (print edition)
links to articles and interviews about my work :
Ger Zielinski,
On Observant Artists and Their Keepers, Topia, University of Toronto Press, 2019: Toronto
Esmé Hogeveen,
Hans Ulrich Obrist Hear Us
, featuring Bill Burns, reviewed in the Art Book Book Review, 2018: Toronto and Los Angeles
Hans Ulrich Obrist Hear Us, Bill Burns, Dan Adler, Jennifer Allen, Dannys Montes de Oca Moreda Journal of Curatorial Studies vol. 6, no. 1, 2017: London
Flickering Memoirs an interview with Caroline Picard on Art21, February/March 2017: New York
William English, interview and performance on Resonance FM Radio London (59 minutes 30 seconds), July 22, 2016: London UK
Leah Sandals, Wear Seth and New Fabrics by 9 Other Artists, Canadian Art, May 19, 2016: Toronto
Bill Burns’ Art World Personae and other pictures including cover, Kunstlicht February 2016: Amsterdam
Bill Burns’ Art World Personae and other pictures, Kunstlicht, October 2015: Amsterdam
Bill Burns at the Dunlop Art Gallery, Allison Cooley, Canadian Art Magazine, June 2015: Toronto
Cover of
C Magazine International, (Winter), 2015:
Yaniya Lee, Directions to the Land of Milk and Honey: an interview by Yaniya Lee, C Magazine International, (Winter), Winter 2015: Toronto
James Adams, How Much Art Can You Take?, exhibition at MoCCA, Globe and Mail, Sept 18, 2014: Toronto
Murray Whyte, Art’s Outer and Inner Dialogue, review, Toronto Star, June 26, 2014: Toronto
Gentiane Belanger, Recyclages Narratifs et autres désenclavements épistémologiques. Plastik. 2014: Paris
Matthew Ryan Smith, review, Senses and Society, January 2014: London
David Balzer, Miami
by Air: An Interview with
Bill Burns
– Canadian Art
, Dec
ember 2013:
Keith Gallasch, interview with Bill Burns, Realtime Magazine, Aug/Sept 2013:
Third Text, S. Lam, G. Ngcobo, J, Persekian, A-S. Witzke, et al, January 2013: London
Globe and Mail, Sarah Milroy, September 1, 2012: Toronto
Esopus Magazine, no 18, an artist project by Bill Burns, 2012: New York
Georgia Straight, Robin Laurence, June 13, 2012: Vancouver
Huffington Post, Arts, A Brownnoser’s Story, March 5, 2012: New York
Canadian Art, Oh Canada, Sarah Milroy. September, 2012: Toronto
Art In America, Oh Canada, Carol Strickland, July 31 2012: New York
Art Monthly, Museum Show, Stephen Lee, Februrary 2012
: London
Border Crossings, Robert Enright, winter, 2011
This is Tomorrow Magazine, online, Melanie Pocock, Museum Show, December 2011: London
Artforum, preview of Museum Show at Arnolfini, Martin Herbert, September, 2011: New York
Canadian Art, online review, Bryne McLaughlin, August 26, 2011: Toronto
Aesthetica Magazine, online review, Regina Papachlimitzou, October 2011: London
Now Magazine, Fran Schechter, September 30, 2011: Toronto
Financial Times, Jackie Wullschlager, September, 28, 2011: London
National Post, review, Leah Sandals, December 4, 2010: Toronto
Mousse Magazine, review, Jennifer Allen, September, 2010: Milan, Italy
Toronto Star. review, Murray White, December 2, 2010: Toronto
Mugalari, interview, Jon Mantxi, July, 2010 (Basque language): Bilbao
Kunsthallen Brandts, catalogue essay, Jennifer Allen, 2010: Odense, Denmark
C-Magazine, artist project and essay, Gentiane Belanger, September, 2010: Toronto
Topia, artist project, Bill Burns, October, 2010: Toronto
Domus, Rethink , Elena Sommariva, November, 2009: Milan, Italy
Lake Journal UBC, interview with Renay Egami, 2009: Kelowna/Vancouver
Afterall, review, Jennifer Gabrys, 2008:
In 2014 the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art commissioned me to produce 22 billboards in Toronto, Vancouver, and Montréal.